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How to Make Emoticons with the Latest Emoji and Unicode on Blogger

How to Make Emoticon with the Latest Emoji and Unicode on Blogger - Maybe the title I made is still confusing in your ears, but this time I will explain how to make emoticons or symbols or special characters like this = 😃 🐻 🍔 ⚽ 🌇 💡 🔣 🎌. 

I'll have a few stories about emoticons. In the past people made sysmbol only through special character features provided by computer systems, for example like this ♠ ☺☻ ♦ ♣. We can make this by pressing the pulverizer altNumLkAlong with the development of the era, this method began not to be used anymore, because it seemed ugly and limited character.
style="background-color: white; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, "Segoe UI", Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; font-size: 16px;" />
Finally, the entity code or entity code appears, this entity code if we install it in html mode, then a sysmbol or icon will appear like this ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦. But this is not much different from the special character provided by the computer system, even though the choice of sysmbol is more. 

Then as time goes on, we can now use emojis easily using Unicode. In bloggers we can use the emoji by selecting a special character insertand then selecting the emoji . Then the result will be like this = 😀😌😔😅💩😙😝.

But the emojis provided at this blogger are too few, and what version I also don't know. But actually this Unicode emoji is already in the 12th version in 2018. So it should be if the blogger follows the development of this emoji, then the choice of emoji must also be more complete. 

You can see at to see the development of this emoji. There are many emojis on the website that are not widely known. For example like this ⚡, the symbol is widely used to symbolize the website amp, but actually the symbol is a symbol of hight voltage, with the name symbol of thunder blade.

There are many more, for example like this ❤️, we can use this emoji as a symbol of the heart, but still not many people know it, so most people will use fontawesome or svg files to make emojis like that. 

So take advantage of these emojis so that they are not in vain, and we do not make our blog even harder because we choose the components we needSo many of my articles cover How to Make Emoticons with the Latest Emoji and Unicode on Blogger. Wait for the next useful article, save on checking ...


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